The West is ripe for the taking, and Elizabeth Caledonia Ashe intends to write her name across it. In the years after the Omnic Crisis, the American Southwest is ruled by vultures looking to profit off the chaos. We’ll be spotlighting Overwatch content creators each day throughout Ashe's Deadlock Challenge! Broadcaster Visit the Twitch Connections page to log in and complete the link now. To be eligible for rewards, you must first link your account to your Twitch account. It can take up to ~30 minutes to receive your reward(s) in-game after claiming. Rewards will expire 7 days after they’ve been claimed if a account has not been linked.
Twitch users can now earn rewards before linking their account to Twitch.
You will need to claim your first Twitch Drop reward BEFORE you can earn progress towards the second and will need to claim the second Twitch Drop before you can earn progress towards the third. You must instead claim the drop on the channel you’re watching or in the Drops Inventory menu on Twitch within the first 24 hours of earning it. You will no longer receive drop rewards automatically. You’ll now be able to see your watch time progress towards any given drop. Twitch has updated how drops work on their end, and this is the first time Overwatch will be utilizing Twitch Drops since these changes were put into place. All channels streaming in the Twitch Overwatch game category will be eligible to provide Drops. Watch any Overwatch channel on Twitch between June 22 – July 5 for two hours to earn one Ashe’s Deadlock Challenge spray, two more hours to earn two additional sprays, and two final hours to earn three additional sprays, totaling to six sprays. Tune in to any Twitch streamer while they’re playing Overwatch now through July 5 to earn six Ashe’s Deadlock Challenge sprays! Unlock additional rewards by watching Twitch streamers to get even more Ashe-themed cosmetics. These special Ashe’s Deadlock Challenge rewards are a bonus on top of your normal earnings for playing in the Arcade. Unlock special Ashe-themed content in-game by playing Quick Play, Competitive Play, or Arcade to earn a limited-time player icon, a spray, and a new epic skin: Deadlock Ashe. READ UP AND READY UP - Check out Deadlock Rebels, a new Overwatch novel. WATCH TO EARN - Earn special Ashe-themed cosmetics by watching Twitch streams. DEADLOCK ASHE HOW TO
MY BUSINESS, MY RULES - Learn how to unlock rewards.
From now until July 5, players will be able to earn a player icon, seven unique sprays, and the Deadlock Ashe skin for a total of nine new rewards.